Friday, January 5, 2018

In the mood to paint

I have learned that I need to maintain a positive outlook, a can-do attitude in order to paint a painting. One of the first things I attempt to maintain in my Acrylic painting classes and with art, in general, is a positive atmosphere. I try not to let conversations go negative. If someone says "I can't do this" I gently remind them that with practice and patience they might be able to, I also show them many ways they can succeed because as I have learned there is more than one way to accomplish most things we learn how to do.  I notice it is sometimes just the way some people self-talk.  I know I am not able to do much if I say I can't. Therefore I look at every challenge I am creating in the art world with a can-do attitude. Why would I be against myself in succeeding? If conversations in my Acrylic painting class go to talking about others in a negative way, such as a person someone does not like at school or work, I suggest speaking of something positive in class. It is very difficult for me to engage in such conversations and create something beautiful. I do not expect students at my Acrylic painting class to be able to either. I will play relaxing music and talk positively when we paint. I know most can create if they want to, or more importantly, allow themselves to. Check out my Acrylic painting classes as well as paintings for sale at

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